Neck Pain Treatment Hong Kong: Is Physiotherapy Good?

At our Urban Motion Clinic in Hong Kong, we treat many patients seeking relief from neck pain. We believe the impact of neck pain on a person’s overall health and wellbeing is often underestimated. If you’ve ever woken up with a stiff, sore neck, particularly if accompanied by a headache or pain radiating to the shoulder or arm, it might be time to consult a Physiotherapist for physiotherapy in Hong Kong. A professional can assess whether you have a neck injury, identify its cause, and offer guidance on preventing future episodes.

Neck pain is the second most common musculoskeletal disorder globally, and the neck, as one of the most flexible parts of the spine, bears the weight of our head in virtually all positions. Despite the average weight of the head being around 4.5–5.5 kg, the strain placed on the neck is far greater. For example, tilting your neck at a 60-degree angle in flexion (forward) can add up to 27 kg of strain, roughly six times the head’s actual weight. This level of flexion is often experienced when we’re looking down at a screen or smartphone, or even interacting with young children. If you’re suffering from neck pain, it may be time to seek professional Neck Pain Treatment Hong Kong to help alleviate discomfort and prevent further strain.

What Causes Neck Pain?

Neck pain typically signals an issue with the vertebrae, joints, intervertebral discs, tendons, ligaments, muscles, or nerves surrounding the neck and sometimes shoulder. While anyone can experience neck pain, certain professions tend to have higher rates of occurrences, including office and computer dominant workers, manual labourers, healthcare professionals, people working with young children, and drivers. Though our body can handle heavy loads for a short period of time, there’s a limit beyond when pain and tightness develop. Through neck pain physiotherapy treatment, you can alleviate and better manage neck pain and discomforts.

  • Poor Posture

A common cause of neck pain is excessive strain from poor posture and activities that involve prolonged or repetitive neck flexion. The term “text neck” or “tech neck” has emerged in recent years to describe this condition, which has become a significant concern, especially among children and adolescents. Over 50% of teenagers and university students, as well as 63% of office workers, suffer from neck pain each year due to these factors. Symptoms of “text neck” can include headaches, back and shoulder pain, eye strain, musculoskeletal pain, irritability, stress, and anxiety.

  • Sports and Traumatic Injuries

Neck pain is also common after sports injuries, particularly in high-impact and contact sports like rugby and football. Collisions or tackles during these sports cause rapid acceleration or deceleration of the head, which can result in injuries such as whiplash, and sometimes concussions. This type of injury is also frequently seen in car accidents, where the impact and seatbelt restraints cause the neck to be thrust forward.

  • Degenerative Diseases

Degenerative diseases, such as arthritis and cervical degenerative disc disease (CDDD), can lead to neck pain as well:

  • Neck Osteoarthritis (Cervical Spondylosis): This condition occurs as the bones and soft tissues at the top of the spine wear down with age, repetitive strains/ use, could sometimes be congenital predisposition.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: This autoimmune condition causes inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints, including those in the neck. Over time, symptoms tend to worsen, leading to increased stiffness and discomfort.
  • Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease (CDDD): In CDDD, the gel-like discs between the vertebrae in the neck deteriorate over time causing the compression of these vertebrae, which could lead to grinding and fusion of the bones

Which is the best neck pain treatment in Hong Kong?

Research has shown that seeking treatment from an experienced Physiotherapist is an effective way to manage neck pain.

  • In neck pain treatment Hong Kong, Physiotherapists help you understand the underlying causes of your pain, such as poor posture, excessive screen time, and incorrect ergonomics. By addressing these factors, Physiotherapists offer valuable advice and a treatment plan whether manual, or via exercise, or both, on how to prevent neck pain and manage it long-term.
  • Physiotherapists at Urban Motion Clinic also use various manual therapy techniques, including deep tissue massage and mobilization, to reduce neck pain and address musculoskeletal concerns. Research has found that just five sessions of manual therapy can significantly improve neck pain and mobility.
  • Exercises designed to stretch and strengthen your muscles are also a key component of treatment for neck pain relief. These exercises aim to improve posture, joint health, and flexibility, while also correcting issues like a forward head posture that worsen neck pain.
  • Staying physically active is another important aspect of neck pain physiotherapy treatment in Hong Kong. Our Physiotherapists will guide you on how to incorporate low-impact activities into your routine to reduce stiffness and improve strength.

Physiotherapists may recommend strategies to help manage neck pain, swelling, and inflammation without worsening your symptoms. You can consult our Physiotherapists at our Physical Therapy Clinic to support long-term recovery.